== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 18 -- Gradius V

game clear konami treasure ps2 playstation video games

Gradius V (2004, PS2)

Developer: Treasure
Publisher: Konami
Clear Date: 2/5/2021
Clear Platform: PS2


A second shmup in three GAMES CLEAR! That’s quite out of the ordinary given I think it makes only the third I’ve ever beaten. After beating Sexy Parodius on Saturn, I felt I would be remiss to not visit the very series it parodies by name. I had previously only played a very small amount of Gradius on NES and wasn’t especially impressed. Gradius V, meanwhile, was good as hell.

Its development by Treasure is evident, as it retains a certain look and feel I recall from Ikaruga. The similarities largely stop there, though, as this game is pretty thoroughly classic Gradius (at least as far as I understand from my recent research on the series). It’s got the classic upgrade tree. The new twist, I’ve gleaned, is the “control” mechanisms by which your shooting drones can be manipulated. You gotta choose one and you’re locked in for that credit. It’s pretty cool. I chose the one that has them orbit around you, which provides pretty great defense at the expense of optimal offense. I think the really good folks use a different one. But it was cool. Anyway, get your upgrades and blast enemy aliens and ships. Formula works.

And I really like the upgrade creep in this game. Makes you feel really powerful when you’re offensively maxed out with a shield up! Can help you get further along in a stage than you have any right to.

The other thing I like is that the game starts you out with 3 continues per playthrough attempt. Lose those, and it’s Game Over. However, you get an additional credit for each hour of play for use on your next try. If you collect 18 (19?), you unlock Free Play and can continue to your heart’s desire. I think this is a good compromise system between the relentless perfectionism demanded by old-school shmups and something a bit more reasonable. But putting Free Play in the player’s grasp, the game can be beaten by anyone. However, there is also gratification in beating it before that convenience is unlocked. I managed to beat the game on Easy (the second-easiest difficulty and still maddeningly difficult) after unlocking my 11th continue. I had two ships to spare. A satisfying victory!

Overall, I was really impressed with this game. Its accessibility options made it a very appealing game to try, but inasmuch as it throws you that bone, it does not let up on the challenge whatsoever. This is a beat you can be proud of.

Oh, it also does a pretty cool thing with the story that I won’t spoil. But the ending is pretty neat!