== Nixon Computer ==

30 Days of Video Game Music: Day 6 -- Music that Makes Me Feel Relaxed

Check out the Day 1 post for the full challenge list.

“Beneath the Mask” (Rain) - Shoji Meguro

Lyrics: Rike Schmalz
Vocals: Lyn Inaizumi
Game: Persona 5 (2017, PS3/PS4)
Original: YouTube
Cover: Sapphire feat. The Consouls (YouTube)


Don’t let the date deceive you, this post technically isn’t late in a handful of time zones!

This was a tough one to settle on while sticking to the “no repeat games” rule. There are other categories this game could’ve easily picked up as well. But there’s no other theme that I associate with relaxing quite as much as this one, the “at home” theme of Persona 5. The non-rain version is good (and is also my PS4 theme’s BGM), but the rainy day version loses the percussion, which really mellows it out. I’m a big fan, and I’m glad they included both versions. The vocals don’t play with this theme for the first considerable chunk of the game, and it’s a pleasant, startling surprise when they finally are introduced. Another nice entry in Meguro’s considerable catalog of great tunes.