== Nixon Computer ==

30 Days of Video Game Music: Day 26 -- Music I Like From a Game I Haven't Played

Check out the Day 1 post for the full challenge list.

Fighting/Those Who Fight/Let The Battles Begin! – Nobuo Uematsu

Game: Final Fantasy VII (1997, PS1)
Original: YouTube
Final Fantasy VII Remake version: YouTube
Cover: With Ether (YouTube)


There really isn’t that much video game music that I really know well from a game or series I haven’t played! But Final Fantasy VII is perhaps the biggest piece of traditional Video Game Canon that I have not yet played, and I do quite like its battle theme, which I was exposed to by way of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Obviously being unfamiliar with the source material, I can’t comment much, but I know whenver I get around to playing this game, this fun piece will make the random encounters all the more fun.